CFS Book Presentation
21.02.2024 | 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr
Payments and Market Infrastructure: Understanding their Historical Evolution and Addressing Current Challenges
– in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte e. V. und dem House of Finance der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
While payments and financial market infrastructures (FMIs) have always played an essential role in facilitating economic exchange, they recently regained attention in the context of: (i) new technologies and ideas such as DLT, crypto-assets, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies; ii) the significant strengthening of the role of CCPs in the context of the follow up to the 2008 crisis; (iii) the various regulatory initiatives triggered by that crisis affecting all FMIs; (iv) globalisation, putting the spotlight on the efficiency of cross border payments, the risk of non-PvP settlement, and of fragmentation of payments and market infrastructures in the context of geopolitical deterioration and sanction measures. The book, co-authored with George Pantelopoulos from the University of Newcastle (Australia), provides a systematic introduction to payment and settlement across various solutions and infrastructures and develops the important economic policy topics which are implied by the idiosyncratic features of this industry (systemic relevance; path dependency; negative externalities and contagion; network effects and abuse of market power; strategic autonomy issues; co-existence of public and private means of settlement; layering; etc.). It also covers the historical evolution of payments, and the future prospects in view of ever advancing digitalisation.
Kommentar: Prof. Dr. Tobias Berg, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch und in Präsenz auf dem Campus der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt statt.
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