Scientific Director
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal

Andreas Hackethal has been Director of the Center for Financial Studies since July 2020 and Professor of Finance at the House of Finance at Goethe University since 2008. He also heads the “Pension Finance Center” at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Market Research SAFE – also in the House of Finance.
From 2011 to 2015 he was Dean and since 2015 he is Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. His research interests span digitisation and AI in the financial sector, the financial behaviour households and pension finance. His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies and the Review of Finance, among others, and has been regularly taken up by national and international media.
Since 2009 he has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority BAFIN, since 2011 of the Stock Exchange Expert Commission at the Ministry of Finance and since 2017 of the working group consulting ESMA’s Financial Innovation Standing Committee.
As a co-initiator of the Frankfurt TechQuartier and as academic director of Goethe University’s start-up centre, he is committed to promoting entrepreneurial talents and their start-ups. He sits on the supervisory boards of two technology start-ups and on the advisory boards of several financial institutions.
Through the initiative Deutsche Renten Information e.V., he has been advocating for many years more transparency in pension provision and financial education. Together with partners from the insurance, asset management, banking and technology industries, and partly financed by the European Fund for Regional Development, a fully functional pension cockpit has been developed and tested under scientific supervision.
He has won more than twenty teaching awards and in 2010 he was named Germany’s Professor of the Year by the university magazine unicum for supporting student careers. At Goethe University, he is also a member of the Third Mission Council and the Commission on Dealing with Private Third Party Grants.
In the city of Frankfurt am Main he is involved in the Frankfurt Society (Presidium and Admissions Committee) and the Polytechnic Society, among others.
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hackethal (at)
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Tel: +49 69 798-34802
hackethal (at)